Have your say - our engagement hub

This is where you can take part in current regulatory reviews and consultations, provide us feedback on regulatory issues, and see our final recommendations on regulatory reviews.


Have you got a red tape issue you want to tell us about?

As part of our work to improve regulation, people can now provide feedback directly to us on red tape issues.

Closed reviews

Hairdressing and barbering industry regulatory review

Hairdressers and barbers are a vital part of almost every community making up a billion-dollar industry of more than 5,000 mostly small businesses employing around 13,000 people. The review will look at whether current rules established in the 1980s are suited to an industry of this scale that is made up of mostly small businesses, while ensuring public health is protected.  

Have your say on the proposed Regulatory Standards Bill

We’re consulting on the key components of a proposed Regulatory Standards Bill. The Bill aims to improve the quality of regulation in New Zealand so regulatory decisions are based on principles of good law-making and economic efficiency.

Agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review

The Ministry for Regulation is seeking to assess whether the current approval path is maintaining an appropriate balance between access to these products and managing risk.

ECE Regulatory Review

The Early Childhood Education Regulatory Review is looking at the regulatory systems for education, health, safety, child protection, food safety, buildings, and workplaces as they apply to the early childhood sector.