
Privacy and Information statement

The below statement on privacy and information as part of the review will be displayed on CitizenSpace (review submission portal) and as an auto-reply to emails sent directly to

How We Use It:

  • We collect information solely to fulfill our functions.
  • Information submitted will be considered public unless the submitter  explicitly requests it be treated in-confidence.
  • The handling of submitted information will be guided by legal obligations (e.g., the Official Information Act and the Privacy Act).
  • Our review team members from the Ministry of Education and Education Review Office receive information only once details of identifiable people, and organisations has been redacted, ensuring no sharing with their home agencies.

When We Share It:

  • In cases where serious harm or criminality, such as physical or psychological harm to public safety, or an individual’s safety, health, or wellbeing or illegal activity is identified, protecting identifiable information may be disregarded to inform another agency (e.g. Ministry of Education) and prevent further harm.
  • Non-compliance issues, unless involving serious harm or criminal implications, will undergo a judgement-based assessment. We decide whether to refer matters to the Ministry of Education.
  • When redacted information is shared, the non-compliance matter may be addressed through generic measures, such as through an Early Learning Bulletin

How We Protect It:

  • Submissions received during the regulatory review process will be used as evidence for the review and they will be summarised in the report, alongside a separate summary document that will include direct quotes from submissions.
  • All identifiable information (names, addresses, trading name, contact details) is anonymised before publishing summaries of submissions.
  • Sensitive data potentially harmful to individuals or organisations is redacted.
  • Rigorous review ensures no identifiable or sensitive information remains before publication.

For more details, visit our privacy policy on our website: under “Privacy and Transparency.”

Delib Privacy Information

Delib's software (this website) enables organisations to set up and operate activities, through which they can engage with you.

This site is managed by the controlling organisation, Ministry for Regulation. When you access and use this site, the personal information you have submitted to these activities will go to the organisation. Delib will not access your personal information unless requested to do so by the organisation, and only for the purposes of assisting them with the administration of this site.

Accessing your Personal Information

If you have any questions or requests about your personal information, for example to request a copy of it, or to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong, please contact the organisation (as stated in their Privacy Notice / Privacy Statement / Privacy Policy). It is the controlling organisation's responsibility to answer any questions or requests about your personal information.

Collection of Browser Information

The information provided by your computer when you use this website is collected by Delib. For example, your browser type, IP address, language preference, referring site and the date and time. The purpose for collecting this information is to maintain the security of the website and for operating and improving the software.